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  Copper Ore  
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 What is Copper Ore

Copper is believed to be the first metal mined by humans, from sometime around 8,000 BC. It's a pinkish-orange metal, that is an excellent conductor of electricity. Which is why, it is used in a wide range of everyday household products.


Copper is also antimicrobial, meaning it prevents the growth of bacteria and is corrasion resistant as well.

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On average, a car has about 15kg of copper 

What is it used for

Smartphones on average, contain between 15 to 20 grams of copper. 


66% of the copper used annually is for electrical applications. This includes generators, transformers and distribution lines.  


As of December 2020, the largest copper producing countries are as follows: 

Chile (5.7 million tonnes), Peru (2.2 million tonnes), China (1.7 million tones) and  Democratic Republic of Congo (1.3 millon tonnes).


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AAGA - Copper Kenya
AAGA - Copper Collected in Kenya
AAGA - Copper from Kenya

AAGA Copper Ore Video


The specifications of our Copper Ore are as follows: 


The copper percentage is between 5 - 25%.


It is sourced directly from miners in Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria.

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